Here's what to give at a baby's christening

On the day of baptism, the child begins a significant journey. The family through baptism decides that the child will receive a certain kind of upbringing and, over time, will be taught certain moral principles to abide by. The day of baptism is therefore very important for families who decide to have the child take this step: it is the beginning of a path that will be carried on for a lifetime, a day to remember. That is why it is essential to give gifts that reflect this great commitment that the whole family, even in the smallest daily gesture, makes. Christening gifts are gifts that will accompany the child throughout his or her life, gifts made from the heart that will always remind them of that very important day.

Album for photographs
As children, it is the only time when photographs are still taken.
Pacifier holder
Useful item to always carry with you when you have small children
Pet lamp
A very useful christening gift idea is the classic baby light, so that they are not totally in the dark when they fall asleep
The music box
The music box is a beautiful object that enchants and bewitches children
Feeding set
Gradually the infant will begin to use it, first with the help of mom and dad, then on his own
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